Saturday, June 13, 2020

Seeking Info Warriors to CONFRONT the BASE!

I’m tired of preaching to the Choir. From now on I’m preaching to the Other Choir.

I’m very concerned – even fearful – about what might happen 5 months from now, on Election Day 2020. I’m convinced that Trump and his allies will do everything in their power to steal the election. If he doesn’t manage that, he will contest it, even as he challenged the legitimacy of the election he won – by disputing his loss of the popular vote.

We’ve been hearing all of our lives about what happened in Germany in the 30’s, and we’ve endlessly pondered ‘how it happened’, ‘how it shouldn’t have happened’ and we’ve vowed not to let it happen again!

Well, it’s happening right now. Trump has spent 4 years selling fear and conspiracy to his Base, attacking the credibility of the courts and the media and of the scientists and social scientists who are equipped to challenge the pillars on which his platforms rest. He’s actively attempting to militarize opposition to every form of social, political and cultural progress.

He is the fool who would be emperor. And he may succeed.

I’ve been fretting about how to fight it. Of course I will vote. And I’ll sign petitions, post my rants and make my puny financial contributions. Personally, I won’t be out in the streets – not yet anyway. But thanks and blessings to the young ones who are taking it there. It's Not Enough!

So what to do?

Yesterday, I took it to his base, and I aim to do so every day from now until the election, and maybe beyond.

I went to the Fox news website. I registered – using my real email address but a pseudonym. I found an article about the protests in Seattle and went to the comments below it.       Before weighing in, I read a few dozen of the comments already posted. This is a sampling of the types of statements I read:

-       -  Democrats want disorder. They plan it and support it. They are deliberately or unwittingly bringing about the destruction of the country.

-       -  Liberal policies are about making endless, spineless concessions to criminals, thugs, subversives and takers. They are all about giving our country away.

-       -   The left has no concern for law and order, the constitution or democracy.

-       -   Liberals and the left are against free speech.

-       -   Trump must be re-elected to restore order and dignity.

-       -   The protesters are all rioting, looting, destroying and making baseless complaints and demands.

-       -   There were many calls for crushing dissent with military force, and even a few suggestions that civilian, vigilante force might come to bear.

-       -   AND, there was also a smattering of left-leaning posters, but almost all of them were in ATTACK mode, rather than seeking to engage.

I began my comment by saying that just as it is false and defaming to suggest that all police are murderers like those who killed George Floyd, it was equally false and defaming to lump all protesters with rioters and looters. I said that most protesters were calling for regulation of police forces to ensure that police officers fairly abide by the law, for the safety and protection of all citizens. And that anyone who truly loved the country and the constitution should support these efforts.

And it was ON!

I spent the next two hours responding to comment after comment. Many were insulting, at least in part. I ignored or simply indicated the pointlessness of attacks. Many other responses were defensive, challenging or argumentative. These I rebutted and engaged. And a very few were by obviously thoughtful people who actually expressed their concerns, perhaps some ambivalence, and a desire for things to improve. These I acknowledged and attempted to nudge toward deeper awareness. These are the voices I will be actively seeking!

The exercise was exhausting but very satisfying. Did I convert anyone? Probably not. But I was able to present thoughtful, balanced views to puncture the image of an irresponsible, evil, ignorant left. I was able to directly challenge many statements with facts, to direct people to other sources of information, such as youtube videos, NPR or other websites, to logically refute statements about Trump and about Obama. I repeatedly referred to the constitution and to Christian principles, and to former Trump allies to make my points. All in all, I’m sure it was much more effective than merely sharing posts among you who are reading this, who probably already agree with me on most political and social issues.

I remind myself of my own experience of web-browsing, how I sometimes go to articles and comments to clarify my own thinking, to work through my own ambivalence about a matter, actively seeking helpful perspectives. I remind myself that Trump nation was founded by a lot of people who felt disenfranchised and who were disillusioned. Many of them joined with Trump reluctantly, or believing he was the lesser of two evils. And many of them are deathly afraid of voicing the concerns already worming in their hearts and guts, because of the vehement retaliation they fear.

So in my responses, I remained courteous. I didn’t attack anyone for expressing something stupid, racist, fascist or uninformed. Instead, I respectfully pointed out how or why they were in error, and where possible pointed out contradictions and logical fallacies in their arguments.

I’m requesting that any of you who share my concerns consider participating in this effort to erode Trumps base directly, through person-to-person communication. How powerful it might be if a whole crew of intelligent progressives engages MAGA nation head on, but calmly, politely, armed with facts, conceding points when appropriate, referring them to other sites, speeches documents that are easily found online, expressing understanding of their legitimate concerns but firmly and maturely confronting the many untruths and misconceptions? I think such an effort with change a few hearts, a few minds and a few votes here and there.

I’m not starting any formal organization here. In fact, I think it an effort that’s best carried out on an individual basis, person-to-person, without scripts or talking points except those that anyone might choose to prepare for themselves.

For those of you who’ve done some door-knocking, it will be very similar, except that it will be aimed directly at the heart of Trump-mania. You will encounter some nastiness, some insults, and maybe some threats (which is why I opted to start with a pseudonym, but I’m considering using my own name.) You will need to have ways to shake off the stress, probably to de-toxify. But we can all certainly support one another. And if there are even a few of you out there willing to make this commitment with me, we can figure out what that support looks like as we go along.

I’m committing myself to doing this for an hour a day, between now and election day. Please consider joining me. I believe that we could make a difference!




  1. I have a few Facebook friends (a former neighbor; a man who used to work where I do; people I know through volunteering for music education for children; parents of children with intellectual disabilities) who were Trump voters and are still in that camp. I engage often, posting articles from The Washington Post, The New York Times, The New Yorker, NPR to bolster my points. While the people I know have been polite back, some of their friends, not so much. I don’t think I’ve persuaded anyone to change their mind, but I keep engaging.

    1. I think it's great that you make the effort, Lucie! I don't know what I can expect from doing this. Maybe the best hope is to erode the certainty/conviction of some of them. Over the course of my political life, I've generally focused more of getting people on MY side to VOTE. I don't know that that effort has born fruit either. I guess we just keep trying. It's good to know that you with your heart are out there!
